Friday 12 June 2009

What's in Your Dinner Tonight?

How much do you adore your pet? That wonderful member of your family who always offers you unconditional love no matter what mood you’re in! The one who is always there to talk to without answering back, the one who will make you smile when your feeling down, your constant companion. The one who you make sure has a comfortable bed to sleep in, fresh water to drink, lots of exercise to keep him healthy (and you!) and a warm, loving environment to live in. Would you not do anything for your pet to spare him from illness, disease and suffering?

How happy is your dog or cat at breakfast or dinner time when you pick up their bowl and empty the yummy contents of that tin into it? ‘Mmmm’, you tell them, ‘What a gorgeous smell, you are just going to enjoy your food so much!!’ Or when you tip from the bag the little dried nuggets you offer them and their little tails wag or their ears prick up in total excitement for the gourmet meal you are offering them. Feeding them in absolute confidence with the knowledge that you are giving them a ‘delicious and nutritiously balanced diet’

Don’t you just imagine from all the delightful pet food packaging that there is a Gordon Ramsey type pet chef standing in a kitchen, lovingly preparing the finest cuts of meat or fish, the freshest vegetables, the most wholesome grains in which to provide your pet with the best possible nutrition that you can offer them? Well, think again!

Have you ever read something that makes you feel totally sick? Not just a quick turn of the stomach or a fleeting cringe, but something that makes you feel gut achingly, violently ill, not just physically but mentally as well?

Ok, questions over! It is time to rethink what you are feeding your pet. I do not apologise if you find the following information upsetting, sickening or out right disgusting.

I could bore you with pages of science and describe the rendering process of pet food in minute detail but that will not change the issue here. What you are possibly feeding your pet is the equivalent of you eating raw chicken stuffed with squirrel brain and duck bill, decorated with pigeon feathers and seasoned with a massive amount of salmonella, e coli and plenty of cancer causing agents. As side dishes you have a puree of pus and faecal dip, crunchy spine wrapped with small intestines and a nice glass of urine to wash it down with! Am I exaggerating - just take a look at what could be in your pets dinner tonight:

Meat and animal derivates which contain, spoiled meat from the supermarkets including the wrapping, feathers, beaks, undeveloped eggs, blood, pus, urine, faecal matter, spines, fur, tails, hooves, heads, diseased and cancerous parts of animals, small intestines any road kill animal not buried by the road and in some cases - brace yourself for this one - euthanized dogs and cats complete with collars and tags! (I did say it was sickening!). Now look at your pet and read that list again.

Dogs and cats are really not meant to be cannibals but not only is this terrible enough that your pet could be eating one of it’s own kind but think about this - the drugs used to kill the animals such as Phenobarbital, remains in the dead animal and can be included in your pets food.

One way of thinking of most commercial pet food is the four D’s: Dead, Dying, Diseased or Decayed!

I could sit here for hours listing all the horrendous additives and preservatives the rendering factories who make the derivatives use, such as Formalin, which is such a brilliant preservative that undertakers use it! Cyanuric acid which is commonly used to disinfect swimming pools, butylated hydroxyanisole, BHA, butylated hydroxytoluene, BHT and propylene glycol (a type of antifreeze are used). The BHA and BHT are potentially cancer causing agents and a long term build up in your pets system could be really dangerous. Pet food can contain up to 6 deadly chemicals that are banned for humans. These can cause fur loss, kidney disease, liver dysfunction, stomach cancer, blindness, leukaemia, skin cancer and this is just a tiny sample of the possible health issues facing your pet.

If you phone your pet food company they will adamantly tell you that under no circumstances do they use any of this stuff and they probably are telling you the truth - remember they buy the rendered material in so they can honestly say they are not responsible for poisoning your animal - how wonderful for them that loop holes exist but not for us or your four legged friend.

For a few pennies more than your tin or bag of food, you can feed your pet a natural diet made with fresh meat and fish, proper vegetables and nutrients. Definitely no preservatives, additives or derivatives! These are the foods that could be made by a celebrity chef and these are the foods that you really have to feed your pet.

Next time you open that tin or empty those nuggets, think what you are giving your pet, does it make your stomach turn? I hope so.

Saturday 11 April 2009

Month 2

Plumber is booked for the 14th. Arranging quotes for the garden railings and gates.

Wednesday 8 April 2009

Week 4

Week 4 ends tomorrow and we have acheived alot so far.
The old kitchen and bathroom are gone.

More pics to follow.

One skip load of rubbish is gone.
All the drains are clear - 'One shot drain cleaner' did the trick !
The garden is clear (excl. the dirt piles.)
Builder and electrical contractors have visited to organise quotes.
Plans have been submitted to Local Authority.
Electric has been transferred over to us.

Have started marking out the doors and rooms in the shops.

Next jobs are...

Remove old unused downpipe from extension.
Remove the render from the grooming room walls to expose the brickwork.
Get rid of the rest of the rubbish.
Organise quotes for glazing and plumbing.
Finish marking out.

Then .... get building !

Friday 3 April 2009

Week 3

Another busy week.

Cleared the loft.

Opened up the rear doorway to the extension.

Opened up the fireplace.

Took a bit more off the garden wall.

All the trees are now cut back and looking much better. The garden is clear (excl. the rubish piles.)

Have taken down the old ceiling in Shop 122.

The other estate agency board is now gone.
Next jobs to take out the old kitchen and bathroom ...

Saturday 21 March 2009

Week 2

Well, it's week two and we have done really well so far. New roof has now been done.

Smashed up the tiles in shop 122 and ripped out some of the old boards on the walls.
Getting through the garden clearing and tree surgery!

Quite a bit to be cleared !

Getting there now & found the path !

Day 7

Asbestos has been removed. New roof being put on tomorrow...

Wednesday 18 March 2009

Day 6

Garden wall opening is finished so we now have access to the flat.

Have started on clearing the garden.

One of the estate agency boards has now been taken down.

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Day 5

Finished clearing the rubbish in Shop 122.

Started on the garden wall to create an opening for access.

Should have that finished tomorrow morning and then start on clearing the garden rubbish away from the back of the shop. Roofing contractor is organised for Friday.

Monday 16 March 2009

Day 4

Organised the Asbestos removal company for Thursday. Met some more of the local shop keepers. Everyone is very nice and pleased to see us moving in.

Cleared up between the two shops at the back and under the stairs. It has a concrete base so that's useful for a storage area.

Cleared out the drain.

Got the outside tap working.

Started clearing shop 122. Ripped out all the old lino and the bay window box.


Sunday 15 March 2009

Day 3

More tidying in the courtyard. Looking much better now.
Cut back some of the dead branches on the overhanging tree.

Found the mains drain.

Took off the broken outside toilet door and cleaned all the rubbish out.
Knocked out the timber wall between the shops at the rear.

More of the same tomorrow !

Saturday 14 March 2009

Day 2

Cleaned the windows and put some signs up today in shop 124.

Started to clear the rear courtyard so we can get to the wall which will have the gate in to access the stairway to the flat.

Met with some of the neighbours who were really nice.

Friday 13 March 2009

Day 1

A good first day. Took loads of photos.
Cleared up the rubbish in Shop 124 . Had a look at the rising damp. Doesn't seem too bad, at the back door turned into a bit of an archaeological dig but not too bad all in all!
Will try to get the car on the forecourt tomorrrow. Some of the local residents have become quite attached to it!

The electric is on in both shops so that's a bonus.

Needs a bit of work here!

Don't think we'll keep the lino Maddie

A job for tomorrow
